Walkthrough. Grand theft auto iv: side quests - guides and walkthroughs How to complete a quest in GTA 4

The Cousins ​​Bellic

Drunk Roman asks to take him home, follow the indicated point on your radar. Once you get there, they will show you a video and tell you how to save. You can go to bed, or go outside. You can watch TV. After saving, 6 hours of game time will pass. Near your new home there will be a parking lot, marked with yellow stripes, where you can leave your vehicle. You will also learn how to buy hot dogs to improve your health.

Reward: $25.

It's Your Call

Roman asks you to take him to the casino on Dillon Street in order to win money to pay off his debts. When you arrive at the place, Roman will give you an old phone that you can now call. Wait for him at the entrance until the Albanians arrive. Then take him to the taxi station.

Reward: $30.

Three's a Crowd

In this mission you will again play as a taxi driver. Roman asks you to meet Mallory near the train station on Hove Beach. As you approach the place, honk your horn to attract their attention. Mallory will introduce you to her friend Michelle. Take them to the house, Michelle will give you her phone number, after which you can invite her on a date. Talk to Roman on the phone. He will tell you to buy new clothes. Go to the Russian store and buy what you like.

Reward: no

First Date

Some time later you receive a text message from Michelle asking about a date. You can agree or refuse. Go to her house. Roman will also call you and ask you to help him. You can go to him or go to Michelle. Drive to the point on your radar. Michelle will ask you to go bowling. Approach the guy, then to the path. You can win or lose, it doesn't affect the relationship. After the game, take Michelle home.

Reward: none

Bleed Out

Roman calls you and says that he was ambushed. Drive to the basketball court. Get into a fight with bandits. In a fight, a bat or knife can be useful; if you don’t have any available means, then kill them with a blow to the jaw. At this time, one of the bandits is trying to escape in a car. Get into Roman's car and don't let the bandit escape. After a short chase, he will stop near the port pool and run up the stairs, catch up and kill the scoundrel. Get into the car and go to the taxi rank.

Reward: 50$

Easy Fare

Roman asks you to give a ride to a man who needs to be picked up at Rotterdam Hill. Get in the car and drive to the place. The man will ask you to go to Masterson Street. When you arrive, a person will try to open the garage door. 2 wanted stars will appear. The man asks you to get away from the police, drive away until you are outside the wanted circle. As soon as you come off, go to Pay N" Spray, the person will leave the car. After this mission, car repainting will be available.

Reward: no

Jamaican Heat

Roman asks you to meet his friend Little Jacob in the park area. Take a car and drive to the point on your radar. Jacob will give you a gun. Drive to the small alley where Jacob is supposed to have a meeting. Climb up the stairs and sit at the edge of the balcony. Later, several guys with guns will approach Jacob. Kill them with a well-aimed shot at Borscht. After the shooting, take Jacob to coffee. He will give you his phone number. Afterwards you will be able to buy weapons from him.

Reward: $150, gun, new friend.

Bull In A China Shop

Vladimir is angry that one person does not want to pay. He asks you to teach the asshole a lesson. As you leave the bar, you will be shown a mini video about how you can ride a taxi as a passenger. When you arrive, break the window of a Chinese store with your fist or any other object. The store owner will give you the money. Then return to Vlad.

Reward: 50$

Hung Out To Dry

Vlad needs to deal with the person who, again, does not want to pay. Drive to the point on your radar. Go to the Laundry. The owner will throw a basket of laundry at you and try to escape through the back door. Run after him into the street, take the car standing nearby and follow him. Press him against the wall or shoot out the wheels. He will give you all the money and disappear.

Reward: $100

Clean Getaway

Meet Vlad, when you reach his car he will explain the purpose of this mission. You will have to steal a car for him - a silver Blista. Go to the station and wait for the train to get there faster. After leaving the train, go down the stairs and you will see a guy with Blista standing next to him. Approach the guy and kill him with one hit. Get into the car and call Vlad, Niko will say that the car is dirty. Vlad asks you to wash it. Drive to the point on your radar. Then just take the car to the garage.

Reward: $150

Ivan The Not So Terrible

Vlad says that a man named Ivan wants to rob your cousin Roman. He also says that he annoyed Mikhail Faustin. In this mission there will be a choice whether to let Ivan live or kill him. Go to Roman's taxi depot. When Ivan notices you, he will try to hide. Follow him. Having reached the construction site, he will try to hide on the upper floors. Climb the stairs. Ivan will jump over the roofs of buildings, so you can just shoot him. Having reached the end, Ivan will find himself at a dead end, hanging on the edge of a construction bridge. You can save or kill him.

Reward: $200

Concrete Jungle

Jacob asks you to take him to Willis. When you are there, Jacob will tell you to stand in the alley. Afterwards he will ask you to shoot the guys coming out of the back exit. Kill them by running over them with a car. Pick up Jacob and go wherever he asks, namely towards Meadows Park. You will need to shoot a couple of people in the house. Stand next to the door and wait for Jacob to knock it down. After killing everyone, Jacob will ask to be taken home.

Reward: $200

Uncle Vlad

You see Roman drinking alcohol alone. He says that Mallory is somehow connected with Vlad. Niko sees that Roman is afraid of Vlad and will want to deal with Vlad once and for all. Roman asks you not to do anything stupid and goes with you. In the bar, Vlad will set 2 bulls on you, which are best killed with a pistol or with a bat. Vlad escapes through the back door, follow him. He will try to escape, but will soon find himself at a dead end. Vlad will say that you will regret it. Point the gun at him and kill him.

Reward: no

Crime & Punishment

Roman climbed into the trash can because Faustin and his guys were looking for him. Niko tells Roman that everything is fine, and immediately gets hit in the head with a rifle butt. Waking up in Faustin’s possessions, you begin to be interrogated by a certain Andrei, whom Mikhail will eventually kill, and also shoot Roman in the leg so that he stops yelling. Now you will have a new employer. Mikhail asks you to get a police car in order to search the trucks. Use your radar to find the van you need. Two of them will be empty, the third will be empty. Kill the passenger and drive the truck to the point on your radar.

Reward: $200, Mikhail Faustin and Dmitry in contacts

Do You Have Protection

Faustin is unhappy that one porn store is selling without his consent. Dmitry asks you to take him to a porn shop. Take a car and drive to the point on your radar. Go downstairs to the store. There will be several guys there. Aim at the person on the left, then at the person on the right and shoot him in the leg. they will agree to pay a share of their income. Then Dmitry will ask you to take him to the weapons warehouse, where he can buy weapons. He will pay for a micro-ultrasound for you, then take him home.

Reward: $400 and an open weapons depot

Final Destination

Faustin suspects that there is a traitor behind him. He believes that it is you, or a person living in South Bohan. Take a car and go to Guantanamo Avenue. Climb up to the platform. There you will see Leni - that is the name of the traitor. He will send his friends at you, kill them and run after Lenny. He will try to escape in a car. Kill him in any way possible.

Reward: $900 and an open bridge

Logging On

Roman asks you to go online because it's cool. Visit TW@ internet-cafe and set up your email. Sit down at your computer and click on the Web icon. Then Check Mail. Afterwards you can try out all the features of the gaming Internet.

Reward: Brucie in contacts, internet cafe open

No Love Lost

Mikhail wants to know if his daughter is having an affair with a certain biker. If yes, then you have to kill him. Take the car and go to Firefly Island. There you will see the daughter of Faustin and Biker. The biker will try to escape, follow him. During the chase, several bikers will join him. Afterwards they will prefer to kill you. Get off the bike and kill everyone.

Reward: $600

In this mission you have to follow the character so that he doesn’t notice you. Jacob asks you to kill one black dealer who is interfering with business. When you arrive at the park, you will see a dealer. Follow him without him noticing you. Walk a little along the alley and go out onto the road, at this moment Roman will call you, which will scare off the dealer. After the conversation, run after the dealer into the building. He will hide in one of the apartments. Just knock out the lock and kill everyone in the room.

Reward: $250 and additional missions from Jacob

Rigged To Blow

Mikhail asks you to get someone a certain truck. Drive to the truck, look at the location of the truck on the radar, it is located next to the old factory. Once you get into the truck, Niko will call Faustin. He will say that there are explosives in the truck and they need to be delivered to the garage. Carefully get to the garage and activate the bomb. Then enjoy the explosion.

Reward: $700

The Master And The Molotov

Dmitry says that Petrovich’s son was killed, and Mikhail is to blame for everything. You have to kill him. Drive to the perestroika club, Dmitry will call you near the club and say that a bulletproof vest is hidden nearby. Enter the club, after a short conversation, Mikhail will set 5 guards on you. Kill them and run after Mikhail, he is already waiting for his death on the roof. Climb the ladder and kill him.

Reward: no

Search And Delete

Brucie asks to kill one person who is on the run. Run outside and steal a police car. Go to the on-board computer and enter the name (Lyle Rivas) into the search bar. A dot will appear on your radar, the location of the fugitive. Drive to the place, go into the building and knock on the door. The fugitive will jump through the window and try to escape. Also kill him in any way possible.

Reward: $3500

Russian Revolution

After some time, Dmitry will call you and asks you to meet at the old warehouse. At the same time, Jacob will call you and ask you to meet, but only behind the warehouse. Dmitry betrays you and tries to kill you. Kill Dmitry's guys while protecting Jacob. When you reach the end of the warehouse, the police will arrive. Take any car and get away from them. Then take Jacob home.

Reward: no

Easy As Can Be

Brucie asks you to pick up the car. Drive to the point, go into the alley - the car is parked there. As soon as you climb into it, the guys from the alley will start chasing you. You can remove them, or go straight to Brucie's garage.

Reward: $3500

Out Of The Closet

Go to the nearest Internet cafe, go to the website love-meet.net and invite the guy FrenchTom on a date. Then, some time later, you will receive an SMS where Roman will tell you to check your mail - FrenchTome will agree to the invitation. The note will be saved on your phone. When the phone reminds you of the meeting, go to a cafe - sit down at a table with him, and after watching the video, kill him.

Reward: none.

You have to participate in races. Brucie will tell you where to get a car for racing, pick it up and go to the start. The best tactic in races is to immediately get ahead and drive carefully to the finish line; driving close to your opponents is dangerous.

Reward: Street racing is now open.

Escuela Of The Streets

Drive to the street marked on the map. There you will have to chase the car with the drug dealer - a couple of minutes and you will arrive at the warehouse. You have to storm the warehouse - go in, hide behind the boxes, and kill everyone who is present there. There is a sprank machine near the wall opposite the entrance, you can restore your health. Go outside and watch the video

Reward: $1000

Street Sweeper

The purpose of the mission is to destroy a gang of drug dealers currently hanging out in a garage on Windmill Street. Drive up to the garage and shoot from the car at the targets - a couple of people will try to hide from you in a jeep, so be quick and accurate. You can blow up the fugitives, or simply shoot them.

Reward: $1100

Luck Of The Irish

You have to cover Paki on the deal, on Elizabeta’s orders. Drive to the point, go up to the roof - there is a sniper rifle there, which will be very useful. Take a comfortable seat and watch the deal - shooting will begin - be careful, try to aim at the head. One enemy will fight hand-to-hand with Paki - don’t miss :)

Reward: $1500

Blow Your Cover

Stock up on body armor and go to the transaction site in the company of a playboy. The room you need is on the 3rd floor. Go up the stairs, watch a video in which the police will try to take you - and quickly remove those who are in the room. Make your way up the stairs, but don't forget that there could be NOOSE around every turn. Once you reach the roof, pick up the body armor. After a short walk, go downstairs, throw off the police, and give the playboy a ride home.

Reward: $2000 and Playboy-X in your phone.

The Puerto Rican Connection

Quite a tense mission. You have to chase a train along a highway - take a good car and don't hit it, at least until the start of the mission. Once in place, watch the video and begin the pursuit - you can look at the map, see how the train will follow and outline your route. After a few stations, the train will stop and the goal will be to kill the guys who got off the train - they will be marked on the map. As soon as the last one falls, the mission will be completed.

Reward: $1500

Destruction For Beginners

Get into the car and drive to the point where the playboy left the car with weapons. Afterwards, use the crane to climb to the roof of the house - remove the three guards, they are standing on construction cranes. Get down to the ground, carefully walk towards the target until you are noticed - run back and remove the guards from cover. The second villain will be on the roof of the building - the stairs are on the right. They will show you a video, hand you grenades, and hide you behind cover - just throw grenades at your enemies. The third will be on the same roof, nearby, with weak security included. A helicopter will fly towards you - shoot the pilot and he will fall into the water, this is the fastest option. The fourth will try to escape - he will climb the stairs, where you can very successfully catch him with a burst, for example from an AK.

Reward: $6000

Ruff Rider

Dwayne will ask you to kill the girl who left him. Drive to the marker, watch the video - the guy will jump on the motorcycle and run away - you will have a choice, kill the girl, or leave her alive. If you leave her alive, you can later receive an additional mission from her. The motorcycle in order to catch up with the biker will be right behind you. Pick up the money from his corpse and take it to Dwayne.

Reward: $6000

Undress To Kill

Now, Dwayne will ask you to kill three managers at a strip club. Once inside, you will see marks on the map where the managers are located. The first one is sitting in the security closet, next to the entrance, the other two are chatting a little further away. Go into the security room and kill the manager, he is behind the computer - if you don’t react in time, he can grab the machine gun. The other two will try to escape - break through the guards and follow them - they will get into the car, blow it up or kill the driver.

Reward: $6250

The Snow Storm

The mark on the radar will lead you to an abandoned hospital. There's a deal going on inside - your goal is cocaine that someone is trying to sell. Make your way to the treasured bag, killing everyone who gets in the way. As soon as you put it on, the special forces will immediately arrive - rush to the exit as quickly as possible and leave. Throw out the cops, then go to Jacob and watch the unexpected ending of the mission.

Reward: $2500

Have A Heart

Drugs don't do any good, even in GTA. Elizabeta, under the influence of dope, killed Manny Aesculus along with his cameraman. On the road, drive the car as carefully as possible, any collision will open the trunk, you can close it by stopping and approaching it. A good(?) doctor will take the bodies after assessing them.

Reward: $3000

Photo Shoot

Playboy will give you a new phone with a camera. The phone has to be worked off - go to the basketball court nearby. Stand so that you can clearly see the guy in the blue jacket and take a photo of him. A response will come from the playboy - you will be given the task of killing him. It is best to do this by shooting with a sniper rifle, saving time and ammo.

Reward: $6750

The Holland Play

Arriving at Playboy, watch the video in which he will order Dane. Dane, in turn, will call Niko and ask him to kill Playboy. Then, some time later, Playboy will repeat his request - then you will have a choice. By killing Dane you will receive $25,000. By killing Playboy you will receive his apartment, and Dwayne's gratitude. Once in his apartment, kill the guards, go outside - a jeep will appear with another portion of guards. After that, Playboy is yours.

Reward: up to you.

Wrong Is Right

After a sudden turn with Michelle, she will introduce you to a guy from her office. You have to find out information about a certain Oleg Minkov, who lives in Hove Beach. Go there, break into the house, look at his laptop. From it, you will find out that he is now in a jewelry store - take a good car and go there. Oleg will try to run away from you, catch up with him and kill him. The easiest way to do this is by shooting from a car.

Reward: $6500

Portrait Of A Killer

Get a police car, enter the computer, section - search by photo. Drive to the destination marked on the GPS. There will be a serious fight with the guards, so you can first handle it with a sniper rifle.

Reward: $6750

Dust off

Now the restless government will ask you to track the terrorist. Having arrived at the place, you will see a helicopter flying away - drive along the highway, do not turn anywhere at the forks, you need to drive straight all the time. Look at the helicopter sometimes, it will land not far from the bridge, at the docks. Kill the guards and fly by helicopter to the airport, they will take him away.

Reward: $7000

Paper Trail

After stealing the helicopter, an equally fun walk awaits - pick up the helicopter with Jacob inside, and fly after the helicopter, which is shown in the video. When he flies over the water, get as close to him as possible, from the right, keeping approximately the same level in height - then Jacob will organize an emergency landing in the sea for your enemy.

Reward: $7500

Call And Collect

A new figure, the Markiri policeman, is blackmailing you, demanding that you kill a certain guy who is threatening Markiri with photographs. Drive to a point on the map, make a phone call and look out for the scumbag. He will be a guy dressed in a yellow jacket, on a bench opposite the hot dog stand. After the kill you will be given 2 wanted stars, get rid of them and deliver the photos.

Reward: $1000

Final Interview

Now, the cop will ask you to raid the law office. First, you will have to ask for an interview - you can do this by going to the website www.goldberglignerandshyster.com and clicking on the Submit Resume link. In a couple of minutes, a message will appear that the interview will be tomorrow - grab a tuxedo, boots and go to bed. After that, go to the office. The secretary will take you to Goldberg's office. Sit down, listen to him, when the task appears, get up and kill him. Take the documents and run as fast as you can to the exit, hide from the police and throw the documents to Markiri.

Reward: $1000

Holland Nights

Go to East Holland. There is a criminal there, whom McCreary needs to remove. It is located on the 2nd floor, with security, get through. The target will bravely run to the roof - make your way to it, finish off the rest of the fat man's friends. On the 2nd floor, look around - there will be a first aid kit. You will have the choice to kill him, or leave him alive - if you leave him alive, you will later receive a mission from him. After making your choice, go down a couple of floors and jump over the fence onto the street - it’s easier to escape from the police. Drop the police, the mission will then count.

Reward: $5000

The guy from the previous mission is the boss of an entire organization, now you have to remove his colleague. Take the car and drive to your destination. Enter the house, go up to the roof, make yourself comfortable - the target is watching TV. You can call him (watch the video), shoot at the TV, or at the antenna next to the window. In any case, the target will approach the window - kill him.

Reward: $5000

Harboring A Grudge

Paki will introduce you to his relatives and offer to do business in the port. Drive as shown on the map. Having overcome the obstacles after Paki, you will find yourself on the roof of the building - the mafia will be in the way below - kill them, it’s easier to do it by removing the main part from the same roof, then jumping behind the container and finishing them off, using it as cover. Drive the truck, drive out into the street - don't forget to pick up Paki, and drive to the garage. A couple of cars will follow you - they will give you grenades, but it’s not convenient to use them - either shoot the drivers, or drive like this, the pursuers won’t bother you much.

Reward: $6000

Waste Not Wanted Knots

You have to rob a warehouse with the help of Paki and a couple of his friends. Stock up on armor, M4 and ammunition for it. Follow Paki into the building; there will be a first aid kit near the entrance. Inside you will meet a dozen more unfriendly people, but the most important thing is the goal, it is on the second floor in the room. Take the money, go down, and while fighting off enemies, escape from there with Paki to the docks - there will be a boat there, with the help of which it is easiest to make legs.

Reward: $8000

Three Leaf Clover

The walking idea generator Paki Markiri has come up with a new business - together with his brothers, you have to fence the bank. Take a spacious car, watch an impressive video, take the money from the safe and go to the exit. He will be surrounded by police - carefully kill those closest to you, and follow Paki to the right. Use cover, kill the cops, and keep up with Pucky. After passing China Town, blow up a couple of police cars. and continue your journey. After this, you will find yourself in the subway - remove the police on your way, go to the platform with the trains. Packie and Derrick will run away through the tunnel - keep up with them and avoid getting hit by the train. Once you get outside, there will be a car next to you. Throw out the cops and take Packie to his mom.

Reward: $250,000 and the third island.

A Long Way To Fall

Ray will send you an SMS with a photo of the guy you need - when you arrive at the place, look for a guy wearing a T-shirt with the numbers 72. He will refuse to talk to you - shoot him once in the knee to make him talkative. He will quickly lay out all the information he is looking for - finish him off, he may interfere further. Enter the building, use the elevator. Make your way to Teddy and take down his guards along the way. Teddy, not appreciating your concern, will slam the door and run to the roof. A couple of guards are on the way, and Teddy will run away from you across the rooftops - don't let him get away.

Reward: $8500

Taking In the Trash

You are going to ride on a garbage truck, pick up some friends and go to Chinatown. Park, wait for the trash to be loaded, then move on. Suddenly, fighters against clearing the streets of garbage will stand up - get away from them, try not to scratch the garbage truck.

Reward: $9000


There were no diamonds in the trash, so Ray decided to execute a couple more people. When you arrive, watch the video and chase the scoundrel with the diamonds - don’t even try to blow up the car, diamonds are extremely fragile. Having reached the park, unexpectedly, Luka decides to pee, leaving security along the way. Ramazhat Luka and the guards, and don’t forget to grab the diamonds. Give Ray the diamonds.

Reward: $9500

Museum Piece

Go to meet Johnny. It will be near the museum, where a deal to sell diamonds is supposed to take place. The deal will be interrupted by an evil bandit, after which you will need to leave the museum building - make your way through the scum, carefully and slowly, do not forget to take the Desert Eagle from one of the corpses. There will be a couple of first aid kits along the way. Finish off everyone who remains, jump into the car and throw off the tail.

Reward: $9500

No Way On The Subway

Ray got into an argument with a couple of bikers. You have to resolve the conflict - take the car and go to the biker party. After the cutscene, ride a motorcycle and chase them, one of them can be killed along the way, the second only when you ride in the subway, overtaking trains.

Reward: $9500

Weekend At Florian's

Ray will call you and tell you that he has found Florian Kravik. You will need to meet with Talbolt Daniels to show him the way to Kravik. Niko will call his cousin and ask for his help. Go, pick up Roman, and go to Talbolt (we advise you to grab a 4-door car in advance). After talking with Talbolt, he will explain the way, so listen to him very carefully. Once in Florian’s apartment, you find out that this guy is Niko’s old friend, although he has “slightly” changed.

Late Checkout

Ray will tell you that the diamond dealer wants to kill him. The dealer resides at the Majestic Hotel. Stock up on reservations and go to the hotel. After the video, use the elevator to go up to the floor - you won't be happy there. Fight your way to the three red points on the map; in the kitchen you can use the first aid kit. After killing the last target, you will receive the task to leave the hotel - go down to the roof below, and use the elevator to go down to the ground, into the alley.

Reward: $11,000

Action Speak Louder Than Words

Take the car and drive to the marker on the map. Pick up a bomb next to the trash can. The marker will be updated, drive to the new point, go to the trunk of the car, plant the bomb. Jump back into your car, drive to the marker, watch the video, and carefully pursue the car, you should not be noticed. After the car bomb arrives at the headquarters, hide in the place indicated on the map and call Jerry on the phone (select detonation in the menu). Finish off the remaining ones manually and hide from the cops.

Reward: $9000

I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, And Your Motorcycle

You will be dressed as a biker and given a motorcycle. Jump on the motorcycle and drive to the point. They will show you a video where another scoundrel beats up a homeless person. Just catch up and kill him - it’s easier to do this from the very beginning, without dragging out the chase for too long.

Reward: $9250


Jack Marquiri gives a task to kill a certain guy who threatens his family. Name - Bucky Sligo. You will need a police car to enter the database, it is better to find one parked somewhere. Search by name and you will find out that the victim works at Burger Shot. We mark the place on the map and go there. In addition to the guy, you will need to kill the rest of the gang members, so when you drive up to the marker and watch the scene, just chase him, since he will drive slowly. A couple of minutes and he will stop at the house, get out, kill everyone. You will receive 2 stars, reset them and the mission will be completed. Reward $6500


Derrick wants you to follow up on a deal at sea. Swim to the marker, watch the scene and follow Kim's boat. Soon they will attack you and try to drown the Korean. The easiest way out is to shoot clearly at the boat driver, and stay close to Kim. Then a helicopter will appear, Derrick will say that at the end of the boat there is a rocket launcher 8) Shoot down the helicopter, finish off the remaining boats and swim after Kim again. All.

Reward: $7000

Tunnel Of Death

You need to overcome the police convoy and steal the transported prisoner Aiden O'Malley. Packie will call, explain the situation, and tell where he left the truck. Pick it up, go into the tunnel. Stand up as shown on the markers, watch the video, and take out the convoy - if you have there is a rocket launcher, it will be very useful, just don’t shoot at the car with the prisoner. After the guards, take the van with the prisoner, break away from the police and go to the marker, changing the car there - to another place called Leftwood. After a short conversation, you. you have to kill the prisoner.

Reward: $7500

Truck Hustle

This time you will need to steal a truck with drugs from the triads. Having arrived at the place, arrange a massacre, approach the truck - and you will see that another one is taking it away. The driver cannot be killed. If you have time, catch up on foot - there is a marker behind the car, once in its area, you will see a video of Niko jumping onto the truck. Press jump several times and Niko will climb onto the truck. Climb onto the roof and crawl towards the driver. In the video, Niko will kill him himself, all you have to do is take him to the marker.

Reward: $11,000

Hating The Haters

Your friend is worried about some guy's threats. Take your friend to the park, let him get away from you a little, and chase after him. Running under the bridge, he will catch a blow with a bat from around the corner. Catch up with the offender, jump on the scooter and kill him, get away from the cops. Come back, pick up Bernie, take him home.

Reward: $6000

Union Drive

It's Bernie again, and he's being blackmailed again. There is a Turismo parked not far from his house, take it, Bernie, and go to the meeting point. The offenders will try to get away from you, chase them until they stop, then kill them. Take Bernie back home.

Reward: $6250

Buoys Ahoy

Swim to the marker. After a short scene, aggressors will appear, chase them until they sail to the pier - that’s where they can be killed. These turn out to be Dmitry Raskalov's guys. Return to Bernie.

Reward: $6500

Blood Brothers

Francis Marquiri will call and order his Brother Derrick. In response, Derrick will call you and order his brother Francis. Arrive at the place, climb up to the roof using the elevator, and choose who you like least. For killing Francis you will receive thanks, for Derrick you will also receive $10,000, and the opportunity to call Francis if pursued by the cops. After choosing, get off the roof and throw off the police tail.


You are invited to a funeral, depending on the previous mission. Take decent clothes and go to the funeral. In the video, you will be shown an attack on a church, you will have to fight back and take the hearse to the cemetery. Be careful, the load may fall out.

Reward: none.

Pegorino's Pride

You have to cover Jimmy Pegorino in negotiations. Take the car, pick up the others and go to the abandoned factory. Having arrived at the marker, watch the video and take a position on the roof marked on the map. You will have a sniper rifle, wait. As soon as the deal begins, guys with weapons will come, they are your target. Keep an eye on Pegorino, the others aren't that important. Use cover, in total you will meet 15-20 armed people. Jump the car, drive up to Jimmy, talk to him. The remaining bandits will try to escape, follow them until they arrive at another factory. Finish them there and take Jimmy home.

Reward: $10500

Take a good car and drive to the marker. The target of the mission will try to escape from you, sit on your tail and chase it - it is useless to shoot at it while moving. AutoEroticars will have a shootout - it's very good to use grenades, just try not to get caught. Get the cops off your tail, everyone.

Reward: On the corpses of militants in AutoEroticars

Catch The Wave

Drive to the place where the truck is parked, it will be marked on your map. Steal a truck and head to the port - there will be a shootout with the Russian mafia, who are not particularly friendly towards you. Slowly break through to the boats loaded with cocaine (By the way, the video says that the cocaine comes from Vice City), and take one of them, Phil will grab the second. Drive to the next marker, two boats will sit on your tail - blow them up or kill the drivers, your choice. Having arrived at the place, the mission is over.

Reward: $7500


Drive to the old Sprunk drink factory marked on your map. Having arrived at the place, after the video, run to the nearest entrance, and be prepared for a massacre - you will encounter quite a lot of enemies, so it is better to stock up on body armor. Shoot from cover, pick up first aid kits, nothing will be particularly unexpected. Having reached Charlie, he will start to run away from you - don’t rush, she won’t go far from you. Jump from the window, kill the attackers - and go across the bridge over the alley - on the other roof there will be the same bridge leading to the staircase along which our target is climbing. Catch up with him, there is no point in shooting at him for now. Having climbed to the top of the plant and finished off the remaining enemies - you will see a scene where a helicopter tries to pick up the fugitive - shoot Charlie and blow up the helicopter.

Reward: $10500

To Live And Die In Alderney

Take the car and drive to the abandoned mansion, familiar from the Truck Hustle mission. There you will see a scene with an FBI raid. Drive slowly after Phil, it is useless to beat the cops who are chasing you. You will arrive at an alley where cops will try to take you from both sides - kill everyone, clear the way and run to the van marked on the map. You will have 3 search stars, dropping them is quite simple - either get away from your pursuers, or go to Pay N "Spray. After that, take them to the marker on the map.

Reward: $12,000


Jimmy wants his bodyguard, who is currently in the hospital, dead. Go to the hospital - leave the car near the entrance, you will need it. Enter the hospital, hide your weapon. Go to the locker room - take the doctor's clothes, otherwise you will have to fight your way into the room. Enter the room, Niko will ask the cop to leave. Approach the device to the patient's right and break it. Now run out into the corridor and quickly run to the entrance - along the way, unless you grab a first aid kit at the entrance. Jump in the car and drop the wanted stars.

Reward: $13,000

Pest Control

Jimmy will ask you to take out Ray. Arrive at the place and you will see two cars - a yard in one of them. You can follow them to the gas station and blow them up with a grenade, or kill the drivers and finish off those remaining in the cars.

Reward: $14500

I'll Take Her

Your friend Jerry will ask you to visit him in prison. After the visit, Paki will call you and say that in order to kidnap you, you need to make an appointment with the girl. You can do this by visiting the nearest Internet cafe and the AutoEroticar website. In the sales section there is a pink Feltzer hanging, its owner is exactly what we need. Niko will save her number in his phone, all that remains is to call her and make an appointment. Calling hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The girl will invite you to her house for a test drive. Sit down and carefully drive to the marker. Soon the marker will change, after a certain period of time Niko will tell the girl that she has been kidnapped. She, in turn, will make several attempts to escape from Niko, will jerk the steering wheel, call the police for help, etc. Ultimately, Niko will turn off the girl, and it will be possible to safely get to the place.

Reward: $9500


You need to protect your friend John Cravelli from the Russians. Drive to the meeting point, take a car, follow the first car - try not to crash into it. Soon you will be ambushed, kill all the enemies, they will be marked on the map. After all, take your ward to the municipality - on the way they will try to attack you again, but it’s better to just throw off the tail.

Reward: $12,000

Dining Out

You need to punish the Korean who slipped counterfeit money to Gravelli. Drive to the mark on the map, grab the body armor. First, it’s better to shoot out the wheels of the car parked in the backyard behind the restaurant, PMP-600. Create a mess in the store and make your way to the Korean. He will be on the 2nd floor, will try to escape through the back door in the kitchen and leave. This is where you can punish him for dishonest cooperation by blowing him up along with his car.

Reward: $13250

Liquidize The Assets

This time you must blow up vans loaded with drugs - take grenades and drive to the marker. Be sure to watch the video, it will show the locations of enemies and snipers well. Climb along the fences to the roof of the house, where there is a staircase leading to the sniper - this is where it will be best to stay, guys with Uzis have a bad habit of running up to the sniper, removing them from there will be problematic. Kill all the guards in the alley, blow up the cars, they are marked on the map. There will be another shootout in front of the last car - if you are already quite tired of them, just accurately throw a grenade at the van. Once the last van explodes, the mission will be completed.

Reward: $14500

That Special Someone

After the mission "Liquidize The Assets" there will be a phone call informing you that Draco Brevich is at the airport. Niko will inform Roman that he has arrived, Roman will want to go with Niko. Having arrived at the marker, you will see a video and will be faced with a choice - kill Draco or leave him alive. Actually, this will not affect the further plot of the game in any way. Leave him alive - Roman will say that they did the right thing, Bernie will praise him, and say that Niko, despite everything, remained human. Kill - Niko will feel devastated, Bernie will say that now Niko will finally be able to start a new, happy life in America.

Reward: none.

She's A Keeper

Jerry says that Gracie's friend has shown up (mission I "ll Take Her), and you need to transport her. Now Gracie is in the same place where you left her. Go there, watch the video, and go to Packie. Be careful, they will be on your tail evil guys get in, it won’t be easy to brush them off - damage to your car can have a bad effect on Gracie, screaming in the trunk, so it would be wiser to just drive quickly, having reached the alley behind the Pay n "Spray, he will take the girl out of the car.

Reward: $9750

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Stock up on a couple of grenades and body armor. An offer comes in to exchange Gracie for some diamonds. Go to Pay n" Spray, pick up the car with Paki and the Girl, and go to the place of the deal. They will show you diamonds, you will let the girl go, but the bad guys with machine guns will ruin the deal. Carefully kill them all and follow Paki - he will rise to the top, then your paths will separate - hide behind the fence of pipes, and throw a grenade at the arriving cars and then help Paki fight back. When you reach the guy who picked up the diamonds, he will throw them into a passing garbage truck. Finish off the remaining ones, get off the tank, and take Paki home. to mother.

Reward: none.

One Last Thing

Jimmy Pegorino will offer you a job with Dmitry Rascalov. Niko will call Roman, who will recommend a job, since Niko has little money. Nico will call Kate and ask her what to do. Attention! Your choice determines which of the two endings of the game will be in the finale. If you Kill Dmitry Raskalov, then Kate will die at the wedding of Roman and Malory. Then you have to kill Pegorino. If you agree to work, then the romance will die at the wedding. Then you have to kill Dmitry. 1) If you choose murder, then go to the port - board the ship and break into the control cabin. Along the way you will meet many enemies, but there will be first aid kits, and you will probably already get used to the battles. Use the lever to open the cargo compartment and go down into it. There, break through to Dmitry, there will be a short conversation with him - and his guards will attack you. You can just shoot Dmitry, and then you will see a scene where the bloody Dmitry is talking to Niko, after which you can shoot him. Get out of the ship and go outside. Niko will call his cousin and inform him of his choice. 2) If you agree to deal with Dmitry, then go to the $ icon on the map. After that, you and Phil go to the docks. Dmitry will call and say that he took the drugs. Follow Phil and climb onto the roof. Go inside and get ready for a major carnage, you will be attacked by more than 35 people. Hit those who are closer, then attack the remaining ones. After this, you will find out that the money is in the office, and Phil will need help from you, don’t lag behind him. The guy with the money will try to escape, chase him. Having run out into the street, he will jump into the truck, choose what you like - a motorcycle or a car and catch up with him - shoot at the truck until the guy with the money gets out of it. Kill him and take the money.

Reward: $250,000

Mr. &Mrs. Bellic

Depending on your choice, you will have to woo Kate, or go to the wedding alone.

Out Of Commission\A Revenger's Tragedy

Ending with Kate's death.

Go to Jacob, he will be marked on your map. Next, you will see a video and you will have to chase the jeep in which Pegorino’s guys will try to leave. You shouldn't shoot at them - the jeep will explode and you won't get to Pegorino. Having reached an abandoned building, you will be shown a video, after which you will have to kill the enemies, enter the building, there you will find Pegorino, who, in turn, will try to escape from you. Follow him, hitting everyone in your path along the way. At the pier, Pegorino will jump into the boat, but you must take the bike, despite the boat standing next to it. Chase the pegorino along the shore, it's quite simple. A helicopter with Roman and Jacob will appear, you will have to jump on it - there will be a mafia blocking your way, turn left along the bank, there will be a springboard. After this, you will have to climb into the helicopter - press the jump key many times. Chase the boat as a pilot, shoot at the boat with a machine gun. At the Island of Happiness, you will see a video of Niko landing a hot helicopter, and Pegorino running away across the island at this time. Kill the remaining guards, go after Pegorino. He will be behind the hotdog stand, in the bushes. Kill him.

The ending with the death of Roman.

Pick up Jacob. Afterwards, pursue the Pegorino guys, they will lead you again to Dmitry and Pegorino. Kill the guards, run to the entrance to the house, kill the guards there. You will be shown a video in which Dmitry kills Pegorino and runs to the roof. Follow him, beat the guards. Dmitry will try to fly away in a helicopter, then Niko will get caught on the step, but he will be thrown into the water, fortunately, there will be a boat nearby. Chase the helicopter and dodge missiles. Jacob will pick you up in a helicopter; when he gets lower, jump on the helicopter. Afterwards, chase Dmitry by helicopter. Jacob will be able to shoot down Dmitry's helicopter, but your helicopter will also be on fire - you will be shown a video where you land on the island of Happiness. Finish off the guards, catch up with Dmitry and kill him. This is the last mission from the main plot of GTA 4.

I wanted the task, and as payment for my sins, I received it.

movie "Apocalypse Now"

Niko Bellic, a brave representative of the Serbian mafia, bravely fights the Russian mafia on behalf of the Italian, Negro, Haitian, Korean, Jamaican and who knows what else. But sometimes it happens that he gets tired of eternal battles. How can you diversify the bland gangster life? Meeting with friends, going to entertainment venues, of course. And also - side quests!

The game has several types of tasks that are not related to the main plot. Jacob’s friend, for example, has a dozen missions to deliver specific “products” to different points of the city. Eccentric athlete Brucie and his buddy Stevie are ready to offer a job stealing cars - the noblest occupation in the Grand Theft Auto series! A mysterious voice on the phone will offer to eliminate people you dislike for a fee - and even the Liberty City police are unofficially ready to accept help in finding and destroying dangerous bandits.

However, we will begin the story with truly “third-party” missions from so-called “random” characters, who in fact are not random at all.

Random characters

Sometimes it happens that Niko Bellic is driving around the city, not bothering anyone, and sees a blue icon on the mini-map depicting a silhouette of a person. What is it for? To a side quest that is ready to be given by a character who is patiently waiting for us on the side of the road.

Side quests become available as you progress through the story, and we will find the first “random” character at the very beginning of the game - after the first mission at Cousin Roman’s taxi depot. Some characters will appear only if Niko has made the necessary choice according to the plot - for example, if we kill Ivan on Faustin’s instructions, we will not meet him again in the game.

Many characters are encountered only at certain times of the day, and some of them have not one, but several tasks. If you complete one, the next one, even if it is available in the story, will appear only after a few in-game days.

For your information: The location of all random characters can be found on the gaming Internet at whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com.

Brian Meech

Location: Iroquois Avenue, Broker

At the first meeting at Roman's taxi depot, Brian is suspiciously cheerful and cheeky. He'll give Niko a bit of a run-in, which is bad, but he'll immediately give him a hundred-dollar note, which, in general, changes things.

Crockett Avenue, Hove Beach, Broker

Now Brian is no longer so joyful - he is definitely hooked on drugs. However, he has two hundred dollars to pay for a simple mission to deliver his mortal body to the meeting place with the drug dealer and after that - home.

Corner of Dillon Street and Montauk Avenue, Broker

Our old friend realized what a mess he was in and decided to enroll in a rehabilitation program. One of the steps of rehabilitation is to settle matters with old acquaintances. But for some reason, old acquaintances do not appreciate Brian’s efforts and try to catch him with baseball bats. But what are the beats worth against Niko's arsenal? When you take Brian home, he will give you five hundred dollars.

For your information: claim that the third mission becomes available only after at least one police mission to stop a crime has been completed. However, I managed to reach Brian without involving the police. If he does not appear at the indicated place, try to waylay him in the evening.


Badman will become one of the "random" characters after he meets Niko under very interesting circumstances.

Pill Farm Pharmacy, Dukes Boulevard, Broker

Badman will appear on a bench near the pharmacy after the very mission where he so hospitably greeted Niko at Little Jacob's house.

Judging by what can be deciphered from Badman’s words, he has difficulties with the Russian mafiosi. They will be waiting for us in the alley. Shoot them, not paying attention to the loud swearing. The reward for completing the task is five hundred dollars.


Mohawk Avenue Police Station, Broker

Access to this mission will open after the first task of Escuela, a fighter against street drug trafficking. Mel is the same character that Niko knocked down at the Comrades bar. Now he has stopped drinking, given up drugs, and even venal love is no longer for him. However, he still has old debts that would be worth paying off - out of harm’s way.

In general, the situation is approximately the same as in Brian's third mission: the drug dealer's unwillingness to cooperate, refusal to settle the debt issue and an outbreak of violence, quickly stopped by Niko. Possible problems with the law can be easily solved by a repainting shop located two steps away (however, I advise you to save on paint and simply run away from the police).

Iliena Faustin

Firefly Amusement Park, Hove Beach, Broker

Mikhail Faustina’s wife, whom we will meet more than once in mini-story scenes, will be ready to give Niko a task after completing the mission “Puerto Ricans” from Manny Escuela. This is the same task where we chase a train in a car.

We will meet her at a well-known amusement park in Hove Beach, off the southern shore of Broker. In the story, her husband died (with the help of Niko Bellic), but Iliena does not hold a grudge against us, but asks for help. Her daughter Anna got involved with a bad guy who is not averse to making her a stripper.

The scoundrel can be killed, but this will upset Iliena. It's better to gently beat him and let him go.


Corner of Garnet Street and Frankfort Avenue, Algonquin

This task, like the previous one, will open after the “Puerto Rican” mission with the train chase.

It’s hard not to recognize Hossan—his face is memorable. This is the same character from the ship to whom Niko told about Roman at the very beginning of the game. Hossan is a good-natured person. It’s not surprising that he has a hard time in Liberty City: he sells bags illegally in the noisy Algonquin. This is a quiet job, but the owner, an evil bourgeois and exploiter, refuses to pay a week's wages. What will the illegal immigrant do to him? Will he report it to the police? Ha!

No, Hossan really won't do anything. For what? After all, he has Niko, who can be connected to the class struggle. Take a fast car, because you will have to chase after the greedy beef, escaping in the Banshee, with shooting and similar special effects. Only death will make the owner pay. And Niko will receive the five hundred dollars due to him.


Alley between Feldspar Street and Garnet Street, Algonquin

These are two more tasks that will open after the “Puerto Rican” story mission. The first one is quite funny, since Sarah is a girl, as they say, not without a bullet in her head. After a recent divorce, she is very concerned about her own attractiveness.

Delivering her home to her ex-husband will turn into a scene of jealousy - Sarah will inform her husband that Niko is her lover. Well, what to do in such a situation? End the crazy couple? Threatening your angry, rejected husband with a gun? Should I rush into hand-to-hand combat or just run away?

In any case, Niko will not receive an award.

Pier 45, under Broker Bridge, Algonquin

Niko doesn't really like hip-hop, but he liked the naive rapper Patos.

Sarah is not only eccentric, but also has a girlish memory. She doesn’t remember Niko at all and asks him to pick up things for the photo shoot from the store. Arriving at the place, Niko discovers that she also forgot to pay for her purchases. What to do - take things by force or pay? In any case, Sarah will reimburse the cost of the items and top it off with five hundred dollars.


Burger Shot Cafe, Star Junction, Algonquin

These two tasks also open after the “Puerto Rican” mission.

Patos is a young black aspiring rapper who sells his records on the street so as not to “get involved in the system.” Niko will like the energy of Patos, so when two ill-wishers appear on the street opposite and a hot-tempered black man gets into a fight, our Serbian friend will be simply happy to kill both.

Good, kind Niko Bellic. What won't you do for art?

Monument with Cross, Star Junction, Algonquin

And again, temper will play a cruel joke on Patos. Nico was able to protect him from fists, but will not be able to protect him from a bullet to the belly. Niko, of course, will shoot all the bandits, but the wounded rapper needs to be urgently taken to the hospital. Act quickly or Pathos will die. And don't crash into everything, otherwise the outcome will be the same.

Don't forget to check your email in a few days.

Marnie Allen

Bench by the fountain, Denver Avenue, South Algonquin

The task will open after the bank robbery.

The poor girl was treated badly, dragged into a bunch of dirty activities, and now she's heavily hooked on crack, begging for money in the park. Niko may be a villain, a bloodthirsty bandit, but he’s not without a heart! Not only will he give Marnie a ton of money, but he will also take her to a drug dealer.

The reward is minus five hundred dollars.

Ivy Drive South, west of Middle Park

Did Marnie come to her senses and those five hundred dollars did her good? She doesn't want to stay in the city anymore, and Niko is just the person she needs to get home. More precisely, she doesn’t need Niko himself, but his finances. The reward for the mission is the same minus five hundred dollars.

A few days later, you receive a letter from Marnie in your mailbox.

Eddie Lowe

Eddie Lowe talks so strangely that Nico never dared to shake his hand.

Lokowski Avenue North, Alderney

The character will appear after the bank robbery.

Have you heard on the radio about a serial killer cutting off the heads of athletes in the park? Perhaps you read messages about him on the Internet or even came across a creepy blog? So, this is him, Eddie Lowe, the city maniac, serial rapist and murderer - all rolled into one, as they say. It is worth catching it in the late evening and at night.

Eddie is holding a heavy bag. I wonder what could be there? After a funny conversation on the street, he will ask Niko to take him to the docks. The dialogue between Niko and Eddie in the car is worth not rushing to the docks.

When Eddie gets rid of his bag (who would have thought?), take him to Westminster. Again, take your time - the dialogue is delightful.

Cockerell Avenue, Alderney (a few blocks south of the first meeting)

The dialogue with Eddie won't be particularly good, but at least our strange friend will confess to a few of his crimes before taking out a butcher knife and giving Niko a good excuse to get rid of him.

Niko will not receive a reward in any of these tasks. But we rid the city of a serial killer! The end has come for Eddie Dombrowski... I mean Eddie Lowe. Moral satisfaction is not a reward?


Corner of Uranium Street and Bismarck Avenue, Algonquin

Jeff is another mentally ill character. Not to the same extent as Eddie, of course, but...

We will meet him after a task from Playboy, in which we photographed and eliminated a black man on the sports ground. Jeff thinks his wife is cheating on him. In general, he has a reason - his wife is upstairs, in the apartment, with another man. It would be a good idea to follow the couple to find out more details.

Follow the vehicle carefully. When the wife and her prospective lover enter the cafe, quietly follow them in, climb the stairs and take their photo. Send the photo to Jeff. The conversation in the cafe is quite innocent. But Othello is Othello - he needs a photograph, Niko’s opinion does not interest him. At least he pays, and that’s good. The reward for the mission is one thousand dollars.

Silicon Street, Algonquin

Unlike all other “random” tasks, Niko will receive this one over the phone. After the mission "Dutch Nights" (in which you chased Clorens across the rooftops on instructions from Inspector Francis), Jeff will contact you and demand a meeting.

An accident happened to his wife - she cut herself with a knife. Fifty times in a row. Now we need to get rid of the body - it sticks out under the rear window of the car and leads passers-by to unnecessary suspicion. The car must be taken to the pier and thrown into the water, jumping out of it while moving. Naturally, if the police see the corpse, they will be interested in its origin.

The reward is five thousand dollars.

Corner of Denver Avenue and Feldspar Street, Algonquin

Heartbroken, Jeff sits on a bench with binoculars in his hands. His new girlfriend seems to be cheating on him, and Niko Bellic must kill the unfaithful girl! Niko predictably refuses to do this. Jeff loses his temper. Will he really have to do everything himself? Luckily, a red light and a random car will save Jeff's new wife from...fifty knife cuts.

And Niko will only have to pick up the money scattered along the road.

Gracie Ancelotti

Babbage Drive, Alderney

Gracie is the same wild girl we kidnapped, photographed, carried in the trunk and traded. After the issue with the diamonds is resolved (mission “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”), Gracie will from time to time stand on the porch of her house and breathe fresh air.

Decisions, decisions... If you leave Dwayne's unfaithful girlfriend, she will appear on the street again and load Niko with her women's problems.

“It’s him, it’s he who kidnapped me! Kill him!" Poor Niko Bellic is no longer allowed to walk quietly on the street.

However, if Nico approaches her, she will instantly panic and call her bodyguards. What should I do? Shoot and only shoot! There are a lot of enemies, but there will also be shelter on the street, and Niko Bellic should have a lot of different weapons towards the end of the storyline.

Of course, no one will reward you. Collect the remaining ammunition on the battlefield - it will become your prize.

Cherise Clover

Cluckin Bell Cafe, Wauauxit Street, North Algonquin

Our unfaithful friend is Cherise - she really upset our employer Dwayne by the fact that while he was in prison, she, for his own money, had fun with the guy who set up the arrest. If you left Cherise alive in the first task from Dwayne, you can meet her in the north of Algonquin. The girl is beaten by her new friend, and she asks Niko to teach him a lesson.

“Teach a lesson” is a loose concept. It's one thing to punch him in the face. It's another thing to blow his brains out. It’s not hard to guess which option would suit Cherise better.

Ivan Bychkov

Farnsworth Road, Alderney

Ivan. “Ivan, not particularly formidable.” If in this mission issued by Vlad you let Ivan go home, you can earn another thousand dollars by protecting Ivan from aggressive debtors. Yes, yes, now Ivan got a job as a moneylender. A dangerous profession, especially in those moments when you are ambushed by five bandits, and two of them are hiding on the roof. But Niko knows the deal - he will hide behind cover already during the scene before the fight.

Florence Little

Wauauxit Street, Northeast Algonquin

Remember how you chased Clarence across the rooftops on the instructions of Inspector Francis? Then perhaps you remembered the moment at which you decided to spare him. Or Not spare. In the first case, Clorens will still meet Niko on the streets of Harlem... that is, Little Holland.

The comrade has mixed feelings. On the one hand, he is happy that Niko left him alive. On the other hand, Clorens lost his business, and this is quite a reason to shoot Niko. Well, what to do with a restless black man? Just finish the unfinished business!

Delivery for Jacob

When Jacob develops enough respect for Niko (and this will happen after the mission “Shadow”), he will not mind hiring us as a courier. The product is specific, so chases, shootouts and everything like that are not excluded. Many missions are time-limited, and almost all of them will have the goods hidden in an old junkyard, so it makes sense to have a fast car at the ready.

The main problem with the passage is that the tasks follow in random order. But when Niko gets into the car, he will be told where to go, and we will be guided by our destination. So...

    Beachwood City. Having picked up the “parcel” in the car, drive to your destination. The buyer is waiting in the garage, and he won't wait long.

    Cerveza Heights. The task has no time limit, but Niko will be attacked by a rival gang. You need to get rid of five bandits.

    These are the cars Little Jacob tries to sell us.

    East Island City. Time is running out, and you need to get to your destination across the city. The problem is that the buyer is not waiting where he is shown on the map, but in a tunnel underground. You can enter the tunnel through the entrance in the east.

    Meadows Hills. Ambush! Ambush again! There will be five enemies. First of all, shoot at those who get out of the car.

    Meadows Park. Another task where an ambush awaits you. There will be four enemies.

    Meadows Park Towers. For this mission, it is advisable to have a fast car on hand, since an ambush is expected - and this time not a bandit, but a police one. When things go wrong, jump into the car and get rid of the two stars.

    Outlook Park. And again there will be an ambush - there will be five bandits. But it will be easier to fight if you park the car across the tunnel. It will turn out to be a kind of improvised barricade.

    Schottler. The task is limited in time, and the saw is far away, so it is very advisable to quickly get into a fast car. Having reached the place under the bridge, hand over the goods to the right person, and the task will be completed.

    Steinway. Another timed task, but this time not particularly difficult. No ambushes - regular delivery.

    Willis. And again you have to get out from under the watchful eye of the police. Niko will get two stars, but you're in a fast car, and you know how to evade a chase, right?

For your information: Only in the last mission from Jacob will the drugs be placed in a decent car, and not in an old wreck.

Most Wanted

If by some miracle Niko ended up in a police car, he has the opportunity to carry out tasks for the police. They come in two types: regular crime suppression and the destruction of the city's most wanted bandits. Standard police work is based on a random number generator. And criminals are more interesting. The wanted list will include those bandits who are on the same island as you. They won't give you money for dirty work, but some bandits will share wads of dollars after death. The police will not turn a blind eye to your outrages, but after successfully completing the mission, the accumulated “stars” will be removed.

Let's see which bandits are who and how to deal with them.

    Alonso Goralski(wanted for burglary). Hiding at the airport with accomplices. You need to get rid of both cars as quickly as possible before they go far.

    Antonio Rivette(racket). Hiding with friends at a metro station.

    Barry Lamora(human trafficking). He is in company with two “colleagues”. All three will start to run, but the bullets, of course, will quickly catch up with them.

    Bert Recker(drug trafficking). Hiding in a car junkyard with friends. There's no escape from you. However, you need to be wary of the dense fire at the entrance.

    Christophe Majonvich(wanted for car theft - oh, colleague!). Hiding in a large company in a multi-story warehouse.

    Danny Hatmaker(arms trade). Hiding on the factory grounds in a small company of bandits.

    Darren Covey(evasion of alimony payments). They are waiting for you in the garage. Long distances on this mission will allow you to use a sniper rifle.

    Fernando Tisdel(crossing the street in the wrong place). There are four bandits, they are sitting in a car and trying to leave. The submachine gun is your best friend in this mission.

    Freddie Paparo(espionage for Puerto Rico). Another car race, but this time the bandits will desperately shoot back.

    Frederick Harrison(theft of agricultural machinery). This one is hiding on an old picturesque overpass, with many stairs and convenient spots for sniper shooting.

    Glenn Lushbaugh(kidnapping). There will be a car chase with shooting (mostly on your part).

    Jimmy Kand(banditry). Without question, the most original task of all. On the second floor of one of the X-shaped buildings in Harlem, Jimmy is passed out on the floor. I don’t think I need to tell you what to do.

    Juan Jaimo(slander). This one knows where to have a good time - he hangs out with his motorcycle friends in Times Square, otherwise known as Star Junction. There will be a motorcycle chase ahead.

    Keenan Burdette(armed robbery). Hiding in a large parking lot in a large group. There is a high probability that the police will come running to shoot. If this happens, don't flash and the police will switch Aggro to the bandits.

    Leo Brodell(trade in potent drugs). The battle will take place in an apartment building with all the ensuing consequences: unexpected jumps from around the corner, ambushes and the likely loss of a fair amount of health. Leo himself is waiting for you on the roof.

    Lino Friddell(fled from the scene of the accident). Lino and his friends will not shoot back, but will rush into a narrow alley. However, a police car will pass behind them - it’s been verified.

    Marty Boldenow(hooliganism). You will find it near the factory buildings. You should shoot with caution, as there are plenty of tanks around with an explosive mixture. Do you have grenades or RPGs with you? So use them first.

    Maxwell Colin(fake bonds). Not armed. He will try to escape in a rather ancient car. If the car malfunctions but does not explode, Maxwell and his friend will run away in different directions, using the DM (two birds with one stones) method.

    Mervyn Eskuhen(production and sale of drugs). Mervyn is an interesting character, since he does not travel on foot or in a car, but in as many as two, and even a Hummer. Passengers will shoot back, but don’t yawn either.

    Noel Katsuda(hijacking of a fishing boat). The battle is not the most convenient - open space, enemies shoot from afar, the sounds of gunfire can attract the cops. Niko will need accuracy.

    Phil Bakerra(illegal immigration). He will try to escape in two pickup trucks, and their passengers will not reach into their pockets for a gun. While the cars are leaving the garage, it is quite easy to shoot them with an RPG or a machine gun.

    Preston Pekinowski(carding). A credit card burglar and his retinue live in an old parking lot, exposed to almost all winds. If you wait too long, Preston will try to escape in a car. But no one is stopping you from immediately disabling cars in the parking lot, right?

    Rodney McEniry(extortion). This time there are no chases, no multi-story buildings and bridges. Fighting in a small alley will be easy - especially if you use the car as cover.

    Rodrigo Stavnes(selling counterfeit money). A company of four bandits near the park will try to split up. Shoot those who are closer, then catch up with the remaining two.

    Scott Gazowski(organization of a criminal group). Scott and his four buddies are well armed, so I recommend using a sniper rifle if possible to thin out the enemies.

    Sergi Zerbin(theft). Another team of well-armed bandits. I advise you to remain mobile and, if possible, not get out of the car. In some cases, you can jump on a car to shoot a couple of enemies from afar.

    Sean Kukichi(murder committed by a group of persons in conspiracy). A friend loves sports cars, and a police car can hardly be called one, so the chase will not be easy. I advise you to immediately open fire and disable the car while it is within shooting range.

    Simon Nashley(piracy). Simon has many friends, and they all live in the area of ​​the Pier 45 establishment on several floors. Fortunately, none of them will try to escape. All in your hands.

    Tommy Frankovich(fraud). He will suddenly jump out of the alley, and Niko can just as unexpectedly knock him off the motorcycle with the bumper. If this doesn’t work out, you can kill Tommy in the usual way - with a submachine gun.

    Tyler Pickrel(beatings). Tyler is alone, unarmed and will try to escape on foot. Actually, here it is.

    There can be no passage here, since not only the tasks, but also the cars in them are randomly mixed. Obviously, if it is easier to steal a car in front of the amazed owners, then Niko will be easily pushed off the motorcycle. It is also worth knowing that:

    • If there are cops walking slowly down the street nearby, you should wait until they move further away.

      If the car you need is being searched by the police, they may have time to detain Niko before he moves off.

      If there is no one near the car, most likely, two stars will shine on you as soon as you climb into the car.

    And remember that money for each delivered car and motorcycle will be paid depending on condition. For an unbeaten one, as they say, they give two broken ones.

    Cars for Stevie

    Stevie is Brucie's friend, the one who gave us the car for racing. He is also interested in stolen cars, and he will also give tasks in the form of text - although not by email, but through a short message service on the phone. The difference is that Stevie will only name the make of the car, but will not tell you where to look for it. What to do? What should I do? Of course, use the map, which should be somewhere nearby on the pages of the magazine. As before, the money for each car depends on what condition it is in, but even if you have “kissed” other cars several times, a repainting shop will save you.

    In total, Stevie will request thirty different cars, and after the last of them solemnly rolls into his garage, Niko will be able to calmly grab cars on the street, take them to Stevie and receive hard currency in return.

    Contract killings

    Mr. Fixer succinctly informs about the order: the fee is normal, look for the victim there.

    The mysterious character Fixer ("The One Who Solves Problems") will contact Niko shortly after he rides to his heart's content on the back of a Triad truck in the Truck Hustle mission. Niko will receive nine assassination orders through a phone booth in the south of Alderni. It will be marked on the map with a crosshair symbol.

    The order of the tasks is random, and almost all of them are not particularly difficult. Almost.

    For your information: Having accepted the mission, go through the barrier behind the fence - there is a bulletproof vest and a weapon that should help in completing the task. It happened that RPGs were also planted.

    Bailing Out for Good

    The target is a person leaving the police station. There are several different ways to cope with the task: kill him from a distance with a sniper rifle, hit him with a car, or wait until he gets into the car, catch up and use a submachine gun.

    Dead End

    Your target is driving a Hummer. An RPG will make the battle much easier - some of the bandits will be out of action immediately, and those who come running in response to the noise will be much easier to deal with. There will be about a dozen enemies in total.

    Derelict Target

    The nastiest mission of all - you have to simply storm a multi-story dilapidated house filled with a bunch of gas cylinders. The problem is that the house is full of cracks through which enemies will pour lead on Niko. But the worst thing is that the police are very likely to become interested in the shooting.

    What can I say? Try using a sniper weapon to get rid of at least a few bandits. If Niko grabs a star or loses too much health, leave - shake off the police tail and replenish your supplies.

    One of the options is to use a helicopter: land on the roof and take the building from top to bottom. It's much more convenient and safer. And if the police arrive, they will first begin to fight the bandits on the lower floors.

    Hook, Line, and Sinker

    How to get to a victim drifting on a boat far from the shore? It’s easy to get on another boat, which is conveniently located at the pier. While moving, take out your submachine gun, catch up and destroy the target. An RPG will do too.

    Industrial Action

    There will be no surprises at the refinery. At first, the enemies are on duty on bridges high above the ground - there they are open to all winds and sniper rifles. When the battle begins, several enemies will kindly come down to you, on the sinful earth.

    Migration Control

    There is a sniper rifle. There is a helicopter - and a victim who should not fly away on it. If you don't have time to shoot, take out the RPG. What could be easier! The most important thing in this task is not to lose your way and not enter a tunnel by mistake, so as not to lose precious time.

    R.U.B. Down

    The “wholesale” target is a whole gang of bikers. Need I say that you should deal with them quickly before they disperse in different directions? The ideal weapon is an RPG. One shot and it's done. A grenade will also do.

    Theoretically, you can even cope with a submachine gun, if you sit in a fast car and ride motorcycles back and forth while shooting.

    Taken Out

    Your victim - a woman - sits in the back seat of a limousine, guarded by two cars of thugs. If you have an RPG, the task is trivial. If not, you'll have to shoot a lot. It is advisable not to get out of the car, since the police will most likely arrive at the sound of shooting.

    The yacht is rocking on the waves, and there is a chance that a sniper rifle bullet will fly off into the milk. Should I take an RPG?

    Water Hazard

    Sniper mission. We take the rifle, aim and execute it with one shot. The victim sits on board a yacht two steps from the shore. If there are cops wandering around you, two stars are guaranteed, so keep your car ready.

    That's all the side quests! What to do now? Someone will start shooting pigeons, someone will start looking for places of unique jumps, get a job as a taxi driver or try to win races under the patronage of Brucie. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that the game is defeated completely and irrevocably!

In the first three parts of GTA, you were given enormous freedom of action, but at the same time the storyline itself was not just secondary to everything that was happening - it was not particularly exciting. Especially after you blew up a dozen, shot a bunch of bandits on the street, stole the fastest and most stylish cars in the city, tasks in which you just need to quickly deliver something to someone or eliminate a certain character look a little dull. In the fourth part of the game, everything became much better, because the game added variety in the form of rather unusual and non-standard missions. For example, the fourth task will greatly surprise you. And many players who are accustomed to the standard nature of GTA tasks may have problems completing them. Therefore, this article will describe how to complete “GTA 4” mission 4.

Receiving a task

When you complete the third task, in which you need to pick up Mallory and her friend Michelle at the train station, you will receive an SMS message from Michelle, who will invite you to go on a date. And here you may already have questions about how to complete “GTA 4” mission 4. Is it possible that something unexpected will happen during the date and you will have to engage in a serious shootout or chase the kidnapper? In fact, nothing like that awaits you. As soon as you read the SMS message, you can go to Michelle’s home, where they will show you a game video that will detail the pros and cons of your character’s relationship with the opposite sex. Michelle will get into your car and the task itself will begin. And here you will need to figure out how to complete “GTA 4” mission 4.


The first thing Michelle wants is to have fun. Don’t worry, to figure out how to complete “GTA 4” mission 4, you don’t have to come up with entertainment for the girl yourself - you will have a marker on the map indicating your destination. You need to go to the carnival, but when you get there, it becomes clear that everything is already closed, so there will be no entertainment. No problem - Michelle has already changed her mind and now she wants to go bowling. You can consider yourself lucky - the date is not a failure, you can safely put Michelle in the car and go to the appropriate building. It will also be marked on your map. As you can see, so far there is no particular difficulty in how to complete a mission in GTA 4.


Once you are in the building, you will need to start entertaining Michelle with a game of bowling. If you are wondering how to complete the mission, then this is where the decisive moment comes. Many people believe that it is necessary to let Michelle win in order to succeed. But in fact, if she constantly wins, she will very quickly lose interest in the process, and you will fail the task. Your goal is to keep her interested in the gameplay, and then after a while she will get tired, but will be satisfied. You will need to take her home, after which she will officially become your friend.


Unfortunately, you will not be given any real rewards for this task, which means you may not expect any replenishment of your account or new guns. However, the fact that you will have a girlfriend already means a lot. At first, you may not understand how important this is, but over time you will realize that in GTA 4 this is a very important point that affects a lot. And this task is an introductory one to this part of the project, which is completely new for the series - previously, the maximum relationships with the other sex that were available were meetings with women of easy virtue, who restored the hero’s health, but took away his money.

In the GTA 4 game, the walkthrough offers 95 missions of the main plot, taking place in all areas of Liberty City. The tasks are both easy - one can be done in ten minutes the first time, and difficult - those that require a serious approach. Each mission moves the plot forward until the very end, with a fork in the part. The choice of the main character influences the further development of the story.

To complete it you must complete all tasks. In this article you can read about the most complex of them, with tips and descriptions. The material will be useful to people who are getting acquainted with GTA 4 for the first time.

Cousin Rescue

The task called Hostile Negotiation is included in the list of difficult missions from the popular project. It starts with a call to Niko's phone. With tears, Mallory will inform the main character about the kidnapping of Roman Bellik. Behind him are Russian criminals. The girl will tell you that the cousin of the central character owes the bandits a large sum of money.

Mallory's friend followed the kidnappers. They took Roman to a warehouse in the Industrial area. After leaving the house, Dmitry Rascalov will send a message with a photo of his captive cousin to Niko’s phone. Players will have to go to the warehouse and deal with a large number of enemies. You should first stock up on ammunition, body armor and a convenient weapon for shooting. Shoot enemies from cover as you move towards Roman.

Hostile Negotiation Mission

It is convenient to remove the main enemy from a sniper rifle. After saving Roman, he will tell you the reason for such an act. The organizer was Dmitry Raskalov, he wanted to get to Niko. Roman will promise to find an apartment for them in Algonquin. You cannot leave the warehouse until you save your cousin; the mission will be considered a failure.

Order for salvation

An unfamiliar NPC character who gave the task the previous time will force you to return to him in mission number 47. It is called “Portrait of a Killer”. The player will go to a meeting where he will be approached by an agent from a government organization. He will offer to carry out the murder order. For this, Niko will get rid of the possibility of being investigated because of old cases. After going outside, you should check your phone.

A signal will notify you of the arrival of an MMS with a photo of the target. To discover the man's name, the player must obtain a police car. There is a built-in database of criminals inside the car. With its help, users will find the target. The man's name is Adam Dimeev, his main occupation is financial support of large terrorist organizations. After this, players are recommended to buy a sniper rifle or get it in the open world. The weapon will help after arriving at the point where Dimeev’s guards are present in large numbers.

It is recommended to kill the mercenaries from a long distance, after which the target will decide to surrender. This does not matter; it must be eliminated. Players constantly come into direct confrontation with security, which is why they feel difficulties while passing.

Water confrontation

In GTA 4, the passage of a number of missions is delayed due to difficulties in passing. The list is supplemented by the Babysitting task from Derrick with a reward of 7 thousand dollars. Niko must swim by boat to the Korean Kim. The emigrant is ready to pay counterfeit money for his protection. After the meeting, a cutscene will begin in the game, after which the player must follow Kim along the route.

In a minute, enemies will appear on the boat. The user's task is to hit the driver's head. Other people will not take the helm, and therefore opponents will be left behind. Derrick will shoot at the boat, but it will take a lot of ammo to detonate it. The next target will be a helicopter that appears on the horizon. The partner will report a threat; the transport is capable of blowing up the boat of the Korean Kim and the second boat controlled by the player.

Destroying a helicopter in a mission

Derrick will point to the flare gun at the back of the ship. You need to pick it up, and then remove the flying vehicle with a targeted shot. This is easier to do when aiming forward in the direction of movement of the helicopter. When saving, shots can be spent on subsequent pursuers who will arrive by boat. After the shootout ends, Niko gets behind the wheel and accompanies Kim to the docks, where the final cut-scene of the mission will appear.

Grand Heist

The list of difficult missions in GTA 4 is replenished with Waste Not Want Knots, 37 in a row. Paki organizes a raid on a major mafioso, Niko takes part in the case, and two other friends of the leader are with him. Initially, the player will play the role of a driver. Along the way, you need to pick up your partners; the next point will be an abandoned warehouse in the Colony Island area. Paki will indicate the point at which Niko will be able to climb over the fence.

There will be a security guard of 10 people on the territory. A typical firefight will end quickly; it is not recommended to shoot your own people. Friendly fire counts. If you have low health, use the first aid kit near the entrance. There will be 7 or 8 remaining guards inside. You need to kill them and get to the money on the second floor. At the exit from the warehouse there will be a trap.

The Italians will launch a forced attack from which it is impossible to shoot back. The player must quickly run between the protective fences, shooting back from the attackers. Paki must run with him. The player should head to the landing point, and then leave in his vehicle. The mission can be made easier by purchasing armor in advance and using SMGs in battle.

Twists and turns in a jar

Packy considers Niko a reliable guy, and therefore introduces him to his brothers and takes him on a mission to rob a bank. The mission is called Three Leaf Clover, it begins with a partner gathering and traveling to the point indicated on the map. After entering, a long screensaver begins, which demonstrates working with hostages and other gangster techniques.

Paki forces the safe to open from below. The money is collected in a bag, and after rising, a second cut-scene appears with the arrival of large police forces. At the exit, you should make a couple of shots from behind the fences and rush after Paki, who indicates the direction of escape. Cover fires will be tough, helped by the approaching scope of the M4 Carbine weapon. Health should be saved for further movement. Killing all opponents will be a signal for Paki, he will give the command to run. Niko should quickly cross the open space and hide in the alleys of China Town. New law enforcement patrols will block the road.

Alley in Chain Tawn in GTA 4

It is necessary to make targeted shots at the tank to blow up cars. Then the path leads down the street, the police are constantly chasing the gang. At the first opportunity, you should run to the subway; about 10 opponents await the player on the platform; first aid kits can be found on the walls. Then you need to run after Packie and Derrick, they will lead you to the Huntley car. As a driver, you need to break away from the pursuit, wait it out and take the group leader to his mother.

Quarrels and drugs

The mission The Snow Storm closes the list of difficult tasks in GTA 4. According to the plot, a conflict arises between Elizabeth and Jacob, the girl accuses the dealer of ruining the deal. Niko hires Elizabeth to recover a large shipment of cocaine from an old hospital building. After arriving at the place, the player must kill people near the car and focus on the upper floors, there are plenty of enemies here. Initially, you should drive your car to the entrance to the premises.

It is better to conduct a shootout inside according to the following scheme: shoot a gangster from the right side, explode a barrel in the far corner, kill other enemies. When the drugs are in Niko's pockets, the police will begin to storm the hospital. If you do not have time to kill the first wave before reinforcements, the chance of dying increases. When the law enforcement officials are dead, the player heads to the exit and gets into the car.

Before entering the Pay N' Spray car repaint, you must get rid of the pursuit. Reducing the wanted level to zero will result in Jacob calling. Niko will go to him and learn new plot details. You can escape pursuit by boat if you jump into the water near the broken gate.

Present to your attention walkthrough of the game GTA 4(computer version). In essence, it is not difficult to pass, because... Key missions are well written and all instructions are given in detail. In this passing GTA 4 We will not start with the first missions, which are very easy, but will focus on the more difficult ones. Welcome to Liberty City!

Escuela of the streets
Head to the community center, there you will meet a guy named Manny. He has a task for you. You need to destroy the drug dealers operating on the streets and interfering with the “successful” business of our new employer. Having arrived at the place specified on the map, you will see the dealer driving away. You need to follow him. Try not to get too close to him so as not to give yourself away, but also do not move too far away so as not to lose sight of him. Arriving at the place, you will see a merchant entering the warehouse.
Next you have two options:
First- the most dangerous and noisy. Approach the door and find that it is closed, using any available method (for example, using a shotgun), break the glass to the left of the entrance, climb inside and destroy the merchants.
Second- the safest, quiet and secretive (but you still have to shoot). Climb the fire escape onto the neighboring building and move along the boards to the one you need. There in the roof, you will find an open window. Climb in, or rather jump inside. To successfully complete the task, hide behind the boxes and, like a “tough nut,” kill the merchants one by one. To complete the mission, go outside by knocking down the door and shooting at the lock.
P.S. You can take money and weapons from corpses.
Complexity: 7/10

Streets Sweeper
To receive this task, go to Manny. Watch the splash video, and then find yourself some kind of car, preferably one that is faster and more maneuverable. Next, go to the point specified on the map. Having reached the place, you will see 3 - 4 enemies armed with submachine guns, as well as a moving car. You need to remove whoever is in the car. You can leave the guys at the store and chase the car, killing the guy in the car, return to the car service center and finish off the rest. Another option is to shoot the party at the service store directly from your car and immediately go to punish the merry fellow who is driving the retreating car. In any case, one end awaits you. After everyone is destroyed, Niko will dial Manny's number and inform him about the completion of the mission. That's all. Watch how the money in your account is replenished.
Complexity: 4/10

Luck of the Irish
Some time will pass and Niko's phone will ring. When you pick up the phone, you recognize Melory's voice, who will tell you that she has an acquaintance who needs your help. Looking at the map you will see marker “E” (Elizabeth), go there to receive the task. On site you will meet Patrick and Elizabeth. Patrick will tell you to help him make deals with unreliable people. You will need to climb onto the roof of a nearby building and control the situation with a sniper rifle in your hands. After the video, go to the point specified on the map, upon arriving at the place, go into the house and climb onto the roof. There you will find a sniper rifle. Don’t be shy, feel free to take it and take the position necessary for sniper fire. Your task is to kill all enemies. In order not to waste a lot of time, try to kill with one shot, with a direct hit to the head.
Kill the guys who attacked Patrick and those who try to escape in a car. Voila! The mission is completed with a good gift, in addition to the money transferred to your account, you also receive a sniper rifle!
Complexity: 2/10

GTA 4 walkthrough gta iv
Blow your cover
Go to Elizabeth. Arriving at her house, you will notice that the party is in full swing. She will introduce you to two new characters with whom you will work closely in the future (their names are Playboy X and Johnny). Playboy has a task for you. Drive to the location marked on the map, following the GPS directions. It is advisable to keep the car intact. When you get there, park in the marked place, get out of the car and go up to the third floor. Follow Playboy and then watch the video, after which you will learn that this whole deal is a setup and the buyers are police officers in disguise. Kill all the police nearby, try to hide behind various obstacles (sofas, tables, etc.). You need to get to the roof. Carefully go up the stairs, be careful, the police will be waiting for you there (about 2 - 3 people per floor) and you will have to destroy them.
Immediately after leaving, there will be a first aid kit on the roof, take it to replenish your health. In addition to the first aid kit, a small detachment of armed federals is waiting for you there; deal with them in the same way as you did on the stairs.
Your next task is to go down. To do this, move through the same roof to the next building. Take your time, remember that police are waiting for you at every step. Go down the stairs, shooting the federals who interfere with you. Next, run out into the street and get to the vehicle. Get into your car or motorcycle and leave as soon as possible. You need to break away from the police, the best way to do this is by driving onto the freeway. After losing your wanted level, take Playboy X home. Having reached the place, complete the mission and the second city will be opened.
Complexity: 7/10

The Puerto Rican connection
To receive this task, you must meet Manny. Go to him. He'll want to deal with some guys. Take a car and drive to the point marked on the map.
When you arrive at your destination, stop at the marked place. Watch a short video. So, after this scene we understand that the guys we have to kill are on this train. Your task is to chase him along streets parallel to the train. Try not to let him go too far so as not to fail the mission.
After a couple of stations, your victims will get off the train, a corresponding message will inform you about this. Now, as soon as they leave the station, they need to be killed, this can be done in absolutely any way. Once all four are destroyed, you will complete the mission!
Complexity: 7/10

grand theft auto 4 walkthrough
Call and collect
At some point your phone will ring. An unknown voice will invite you to meet. The meeting place is the docks. The card is shown as "?". Having met this man, you will find out that he is a policeman and he needs your help. The photos must be returned. You cannot refuse, otherwise you will be put behind bars. Well then what will you have to do?
Go to the place marked on the map. The policeman will give you the number of the person you need. Call the phone number and peer into the crowd of people, the one who answers the call is the person you need. After a short conversation on the phone, kill him and take the photos. The sound of gunfire will attract a decent number of police. Get away from them. The mission will be completed after you deliver the photos to the policeman.
Complexity: 2/10

The snow storm
Over the phone, Elizabeth will ask you to solve some problems with Little Jacob. Having reached the place to receive the task, you learn that Elizabeth and Jacob's cocaine was stolen. Your task is to find him and remove those who took him away.
Find the ruins of the old hospital, this can be done by following the directions of your GPS. Don't forget to take your weapon with you when you stop by the store first.
When you reach the hospital, destroy the two people guarding the entrance. The shots will alert the guards inside. Using a sniper rifle you can kill three enemies inside the building, they are clearly visible through the windows. Next, go inside. Move very carefully, making your way to the desired room and destroying anyone who tries to interfere with you. As soon as you take the cargo, contact Jacob. Then, as usual, storming squads of police will appear around. You need to stay alive, get to the exit and escape pursuit. Be careful. Take the bulletproof vest and slowly move towards the exit, using the same path you came along. Run out of the building, get into the car and drive away. To get rid of the cops, you can either travel outside the wanted zone, or simply stop by the nearest Pay N Spray repainting salon.
Niko will call Jacob as soon as your wanted level drops.
Go to a meeting with the “little one.” Arriving at the place, watch a video from which you find out that your ex-girlfriend Michelle has been following you and works for some government organization
P.S. It is advisable to park the car in the hospital as close to the exit as possible, leaving the door open.
Complexity: 9/10

GTA 4 walkthrough
Have a Heart
Arriving at Elizabeth, you will see a couple of corpses (including Mania). The girl shot them while in a state of severe drug intoxication.
She will ask you to get rid of the bodies. Your task is to deliver the corpses to one reliable doctor who will help sell them for organs. This is probably one of the simplest missions in the game, you just need to carefully, without attracting the attention of the police, deliver them to their destination.
Complexity: 1/10

Photo shoot
This task can be obtained from Playboy X. Head to him. After a short video, you will have a new mobile phone - color and with a built-in camera. It is necessary so that you can photograph a couple of “bad” guys on one of the sports fields of Liberty City.
Get into the car and, as usual, drive to the given point. When you get there, go to the basketball court. There you will see three guys - basketball players. Take out your mobile phone, select the camera function and take pictures of them, getting as close as possible, but trying to remain unnoticed. Send the photo you took to your boss, who will soon call you back and order you to kill the guy in blue clothes. The mission will be considered completed as soon as you remove this bad guy. Be careful because... The athletes who are on the site at that moment, hearing the shots, will try to take revenge, so it is best to shoot from a long distance, using a sniper rifle.
Complexity: 2/10

GTA 4 complete walkthrough
Ruff Rider
This is the very first mission with Chief Dwayne. You come to him and see that he is very upset. His beloved left him. He gave her everything he could, and she left him and went to another guy. It is easy to guess that for Dwayne this was a real tragedy. Naturally, Niko has no choice but to offer his help.
After the video, take the car and go to a given point, and the point is a slot machine hall.
Actually, your task is to kill either both of them, or just the lurker. The second option is most suitable, since in the future the girl will be able to give you additional tasks.
So, when you get there you will see a sweet couple. The guy, noticing you, will take out a weapon and start running away. Chase him down to kill him. Having done your job, take his machine gun and money, if you want. After this, you can safely return to Dwayne to receive your reward.
Complexity: 4/10

Undress to kill
This is another mission for Duyan. The guys from the local mafia took the strip club away from him and he naturally wants it back.
Go to the strip bar, the path to which, as usual, will be indicated by your GPS system.
You need to destroy three managers (managers). One of them is in the office, immediately go there and remove it. Try to do this as quietly as possible, as loud shots can attract the attention of others and scare away the remaining two.
Go outside, where annoying guards will interfere with you. We'll have to deal with them.
The second manager is located on the back side of the building. Go there and destroy it.
When the police burst into the club, the third manager, who is in the private rooms, will run away through the back entrance and try to escape in a car. Next there is a chase, you will have to catch up and kill him. After which all that remains is to escape from the police and the mission will be completed.
Complexity: 8/10

gta 4 walkthrough missions
Final interview
Packie Mc'Reary will ask you to steal some documents from a lawyer. To get to this lawyer, whose name is Tom Goldberg, you need to pass an interview at the company “Goldber, Ligner & Shyster”. After the video, go to an internet cafe to sign up for an interview. Go to www.goldberlignerandshyster.com and submit your resume there by clicking on the “Submit Resume” link. After which you will be told that you will be contacted shortly.
The call will ring in a couple of minutes. An unknown voice will tell you that the interview will take place the next day. A reminder about the meeting will appear in your diary on your phone. Niko will call Patrick and tell him that everything is going according to plan.
Next, you yourself understand that you cannot go to an interview in jeans, so you will have to change into a suit. To do this, go to the Perseus clothing store. Buy a suit and boots. At the appointed time, go to Goldberg's office.
Arriving at the company office. Enter the building and go to the reception desk. Talk to the girl standing there. She will call the boss and say that you have arrived. The secretary will take you to Tom. Come into the office and listen to what the lawyer says. You will have to listen to him until a message appears that he must be killed. It is advisable to do this without much noise (unless, of course, you want problems with the police). Use a knife. Hit him several times quickly. If you don’t attract any attention, then just take your documents and go out into the street as if nothing had happened.
The mission will be completed as soon as you give all the documents to Mc'Reary.
Complexity: 6/10